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Saturday 9 January 2010

Hi! I'm for sec 1 faith'10 (:
I can somehow remember my classmates' names but i cant recall their faces.
The performance yesterday was awesome.
All the juniors helped to do the poster. Damn sweet of them.
Pictures will be uploaded later(once i find my usb plug :))
During the rehearsals, altos were extremely loud.
Altos were da best! We are awesome!
I finally got to know my junior boyfriend MIKE! But they broke up :( sadness.
Their ex and mine were there too :)
During the rehearsals we three when crazeeey.
We were really about to do the actions :)*raises hands*
The seniors came back. Super nice of them. Then we sang for the sec1's it was awesome, screwed and funny hahah.The ppp slides were kinda useless :x
Then stayed back for the campfire (: wa its was super cool. We suddenly became younger and downgraded to sec 1's super awesome.Me, laimin, doreen and weishan all super high there.
We screamed like nobody business.This shows that we are bhavna's loyal fans (:.
Had 'supper' at long john sliver. I ate chocolate pie. What a smart choice!
So guess what, my voice became super low today and i think im going to lose it soon.Sucks, my moher was talking to be on the phone today, the she kept saying i cant hear you blahblah. Then i had to shout on the phone. how stupid.
Today, i had to go for tuition. Tmr i have tuition too :(
Then i must choing all my holiday homework by tomorrow! MUST. I can't stand it haunting me.

My grandma left again. i can't get what's so good about that place like seriously la.
Let's not talk about this.

My so called beloved signed out. i think i have to haunt DBaichi ready. byebye

Stop writing @ 21:30

Tuesday 5 January 2010

My family life, It's a total drama.
Sometimes you think that those things in dramas would never happen in real life.
You think it's too exaggerating. But sadly, It does happen.
These are real things that occur in real life. I wonder why too.
Why can't the adults settle things peaceful. It's true that one party have done the wrong thing.
However, the other one did something that caused this isn't it. He had made a fatal mistake.
Now there he is enjoying himself( maybe, sort of) while the other has to face it and then will bear a grudge. You say she had done too much and totally evil. Then what about...(he caused it)
All this wouldn't have happen because of him right. But it's true that she overdone it. I have to agree that you shouldn't vent it on the kid. Well, his innocent right? Why made him suffer, he did nothing, nothing at all.Stop traumatising him. His your flesh and blood after all. I did not belive you would do this, until i saw it for my own eyes. I do not know what drove you to do such a thing.
And it goes on and on. Hey kids really suffer the most when these things happen.
I saw him today, that's why i decided just to vent here. You won't understand a single thing unless I vented on you during that period. Just call yourself sway. My cousins and I talked about him now and then. We don't really know anything BUT we know the cause. Seriously if it happen on you, you may have been so pissed and stress out and done the same thing. All we know is that this cold war isn't over. Something is going to happen making some people regret their actions. Till then let's hope there will be peace.

ps. this is based on what i know. Well, who knows. I might be wrong.

Stop writing @ 20:07

Sunday 3 January 2010

Now you are 13th (: *sighs 13*
Hope ya like the cake. I doubt you will see this post anyway.
You don't know my blog do you?
We celebrated her party at J8 cafe cartel.
Out of all places she just had to choose Bishan.
Due to the adults So- called- better way of ordering,
We had to wait super long for the food.
Well her husband on the other table was definitely smarter.
That whole table ordered their food first.
So, by the time our food came, they finished=.=
I drank like lots of water, so most of the time was going to the toilet(:
She friends came and they will kinda quiet.
If i ask me friends come to my party i think they will be like noisy. totally
Then some of us went to watchALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNK 2 !
It was awesome haha.
Before that was library time(;
So guai right. I go there read MAGAZINE.zai
Tmr school is going to start. It's a sad thing :(
Why do we have to do homework:/
Now i have to choing finish, what's the point hor.
An impossible task. I'm not a possible. So I'm dead.
Teachers are all going to come after me:/
And the sec one performance is coming.
I feel like backing out. I didn't go for the last few practices. So I don't really know anything
Can i not perform. O.-

Stop writing @ 20:28

Saturday 2 January 2010

SOSOSO. i when like shopping in korea until like ciao! (:
It's a total shopping craze.
During the night i didn't sleep early haha.
I spend the time watching the korean performing and watch the award show until about 1+.
I watch gee and sorrysorry then i sleep you know. (: (lol)

I had a white Christmas.
I made new friends ,4&5 years old.
I made kimchi.
I found out its a total havoc to have two playing you at the same time
I met someone which says at the next block.
I met cute guys in Korea (like seriously).
I manage to soak in the bathtub everyday.
I managed to have peace cos they wasn't depressed people there.
I managed to play the PSP when i was bored.
I went to forever 21 to walk + buy my wallet.
I went skiing.
I bought a bunny headband and walked all around the theme park.
I spoke only two Korean words there.( annyoenghaseyo/gamsahamida)
I took a subway then when the wrong way.
I know what happens when i don't wear enough clothes.
I know how it feels to wear Korean traditional clothes.
I bought my nice new school shoes there.
I bought pink stockings.
I bought 2 jackets.
I bought plenty of nail polish.
I bought face mask too.
I bought my necklace.
I ate ice cream during winter.
I ate KFC there.
I ate some buger thingy there.
I ate nice maggie noodles there.
I ate STRAWBERRIES!!!!!! (nice!)
I had strawberry cheesecake ice cream in the plane.( I LOVE YOU PLANEY)
I ate all the icecream including my family share. cos they refused to eat it (:
I ate super ncie food on the first day+++
I ate breakfast for one week!
I ate ginseng chicken.
I drank wine the first few days.
I drank soju too.

It didnt feel like a new year to me.
I didnt like the bugs on my bed.
I didn't like(hated)the fact that my hamster died when i came back after seeing me the last time.
I didn't like the fact that i had to do my homework.

im going to continue it later. im tired and lazy now

Stop writing @ 21:45

Friday 18 December 2009

kay im blogging
My leg has this dam freaking swollen bite! freak la.
damn idiot and pain. more like some insect that dislike me sting me. I going to cry ready.
super big and swollen. walk sometimes also will pain :( :( :( ARHHHHH. wo de ma ya.
if it doesn't recover soon, I HAVE TO GO DOCTOR!
I don't care, I don't want to be in pain when i go KOREA sia.

These few days were like mostly out of the house with my cousins.
I saw them about 3 days continuously.
CT have also been staying regularly at my house. He visits my house every few days and then decides to stay over. I'm like going ciao everyday he stays.
Eg. C: where is your hand phone?? who is this? who is that? Ohh this boy is your bf is it ??
Whose this person? Who are you talking to on the phone?
woah Everyday ask me till i going ciao . take my phone sms people.,come to my room inspect the whole place. People give me the thing all ask me. How can tahan!?
BUT. he did make my house much more lively:) We when on a sponge bob craze :D

kay that's all the rubbish.

p.s. I GOT A HAMSTER! :)


Stop writing @ 22:32

Wednesday 2 December 2009

boredom kills
Me is bored.
Today some super duper nice people last minute ask me to come out.
Then POOM it started raining heavily.But since i was a nicenicenice person, i had to choing there
Ate at nebo. Then those people went to use the computer. I lone-d there alone and eat my food.
Then zouzouzou. watched movie. go orchard walkwalkwalk. playplayplay on the high heels.
then left. take long journey back home. blahblahblah. i dont like typing anymore.

I screwed the cookies up cos i lazy do accurate measuring. Put too much flour too little sugar.
STupid hor. so learnt my lesson.So long never make then forgot everything le. dammit.

kay byebye.

i seriously dont feel like blogging

Stop writing @ 22:16

Sunday 29 November 2009

It's 29 november today. NOV GOING TO END READY :(
Yesterday, I went to a house warming, OMG the house was like HUGE.
Very big lor. the first level itself ready bigger than my house =.=
And thats not their only property. richppl.

The main topic for yesterday was PSLE. wow.
Didnt expect my cousins to get that result.
Cheer:) I think Its ok lor for one of them she thought her results sucked but i thought it was ok. What to expect la hor. How can you put your target that high manz. totally immposible.
Other one got 3 ducklings... That was unexpect like hell. Truth sucks doesn't it.
Hope they find a school that want. Don't too picky la hor. What to expect la. You think there's a school with totally good reputation for your marks, dreamland maybe got.

Then when they sent us home again it was that topic they talked about.
Seriously, you hear her like tha treat the boy you still she de give to her.
Like the past is going to repeat itself sooner or later face it la.
Once again this horrible drama is going to repeat itself.

Once again my cousins are out. HAIZZZ. NORMALLY GOT THEM TO Entertain me one.
Then these few days they leave the house never go online de.

Stop writing @ 13:51